

It is possible to visit a city that has hosted different civilizations by purchasing a Malatya flight ticket. Malatya is frequently visited by tourists due to its location and the fact that it has hosted different civilizations for centuries.

People who buy a Malatya flight ticket can have a pleasant time in the city during the summer and winter months. People who visit Malatya in the summer months have the chance to discover natural beauties. If you visit the city during the winter months, it is possible to do winter sports and participate in various festivals.

People who buy a return ticket to Malatya can visit the mosques, ruins and museums in the city. Since every building in the city bears witness to history, it is recommended to visit these buildings during your visit to the city.

People who buy a round-trip flight ticket to Malatya can land at Malatya airport. Malatya Airport started operating in 1941 and is located 35 kilometers from the city center.

Places to visit in Malatya

Arslantepe Ruins

Arslantepe ruins are the first place that people who buy Malatya flight tickets should visit. This ruined site is an area where important archaeological discoveries were made and is located in the Battal Gazi district of Malatya. Various studies have been carried out in the ruins since the 1930s and artifacts from different civilizations have been found. During the excavations carried out in the Aslantepe ruins and its surroundings, many artifacts dating back to 5000 BC were found. People who visit this ruins have the chance to see many historical buildings in this place, which can be called an open-air museum.

Old Malatya Ulu Mosque

The Old Malatya Grand Mosque is also known as the Battal Gazi Mosque because it is located in the Battalgazi district. This mosque was built during the reign of Alaaddin Keykubat. This mosque, built in the mid-1200s, was restored during the Seljuk period. Even during the restoration period, no changes were made to the structure of the mosque, and the old Malatya Grand Mosque has managed to preserve its structure until today. People who visit the mosque have the chance to examine the architectural structure of the mosque. It is also possible to pray in the mosque and get information about the history of the mosque by visiting the mosque.

Old Malatya city walls

The old Malatya city walls are located in the Battalgazi district of Malatya. These questions are also known as Malatya Castle and were built during the Roman Empire. It is among the information obtained from official records that the construction of the walls took a long time. The old Malatya city walls were shaped by different civilizations in different periods. These walls, which are also mentioned in Evliya Çelebi's travelogue, are 2800 meters long. People who visit these walls can have a pleasant journey and examine the architecture of the walls closely.

New Mosque

The new mosque is also known as Hacı Yusuf Mosque. It is known that this mosque was built by Hacı Yusuf in 1843 and was destroyed after the earthquake in 1893. The first mosque built was seriously damaged in this great earthquake and only the honor of that mosque remained. After the mosque was demolished, the people of the region and the sultan of the period came together and ensured that the mosque was rebuilt. The construction of the mosque was completed in 1913, and a sad accident occurred during the construction of the mosque. During the construction of the new minaret next to the old minaret of the mosque, a Christian master fell from here and died. After the death of the master, the mosque was given a two-week prison sentence, and this became the most interesting memory in the history of the mosque. People who visit the mosque can both examine the architecture of the mosque and pray inside the mosque by using one of the 3 entrances.

Malatya Museum

Malatya museum was opened to visitors in 1971 and moved to its current location in 1979. Historical artifacts found during excavations in Malatya and its surroundings are exhibited in the Malatya Museum. People who visit this music have the chance to see works from many eras, especially the Ottoman period. It is possible to see various statues and artifacts such as swords and spears during your visit to the Malatya museum. Entrance to the museum is free and the museum is open to visitors every day of the week.

Levent Valley

Levent valley is located 46 kilometers away from Malatya city center. This valley is located in Aksa district and is within the borders of Levent village. Levent valley is one of the most beautiful historical spots in Malatya and has become a favorite of people who want to do nature sports. People visiting the valley can do many activities such as hiking, camping or climbing during this period. People who visit Levent Valley can also witness impressive views from the observation deck where the rocks are located. You can take beautiful photographs by visiting the valley, especially in the summer months. It is possible to cultivate and have a pleasant time.

Günpınar Waterfall

Günpınar waterfall is another natural beauty that should be seen during your trip to Malatya. This waterfall is located in Darende district of Malatya. People who visit the waterfall can witness the impressive view of the waterfall. Since the waterfall falls from a height of approximately 80 meters, it creates very impressive natural views. Günpınar waterfall attracts attention not only with its natural beauty but also with its location. People who visit the waterfall can have a pleasant time in the walking parks around the waterfall. It is possible to take nature walks and also have a picnic in these areas. Since Günpınar waterfall is frequently visited by tourists, various facilities have been built around the waterfall. By visiting these facilities, you can taste many local delicacies, especially those specific to Malatya. 

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