Kayseri Travel Guide

Kayseri is the city you will discover every inch of with your travel guide; Kayseri. Located at the foot of Mount Erciyes in Central Anatolia, surrounded by the provinces of Yozgat, Sivas, Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Niğde and Nevşehir, Kayseri is one of the oldest cities in the world. Kayseri, once called Cappadocia and extending from Salt Lake to the Euphrates, has hosted many civilizations. The city, which has a history of approximately 6,000 years, has many places to visit, both in terms of its architectural structure in the city center and its location.

It is the second largest city of the Central Anatolia region, which also attracts attention with its industrial development. The city has become one of the most populous cities in Turkey with a population of approximately 1 million 300,000 people. Kayseri, which has played an important role in commercial life since history, maintains this character until today. The city has a continental climate with hot and dry summers and cold and snowy winters. Mount Erciyes has become a popular spot in recent years with its ski resort. At the same time, many places in the city such as the Clock Tower, Archaeological Museum, Gesi Vineyards, Grand Bazaar, Armenian Church; You can visit Kayseri accompanied by a travel guide.

Kayseri Castle

Kayseri Castle, dating back to the 3rd century Roman period, shrank in size during the Byzantine period. The castle, which was rebuilt in its current form during the reign of Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat I, was repaired twice during the Karamanoğulları and Osmanoğulları periods and is actually located at an important traffic point. You should definitely take a look at Kayseri flight ticket options to see this structure, which is almost a medieval castle with various additions to the city center from the past.

Kayseri Clock Tower

The clock tower is located in Republic II Square. It was built by Tavlusunlu Salih Usta in 1906 during the reign of Abdulhamid. The rectangular building right next to the tower was built to be used as a clock room. This building, which Mustafa Kemal Atatürk used for public contact during his visit to Kayseri, has a very important place as it also serves as the Kayseri branch of the Anatolian and Rumelian Defense Law Association. The tower was built in a structure consisting of three floors, 10 meters high. The top of the clock tower made of precious stones is covered with a zinc cone. When you enter through the semicircular door on the east side, you will see that it is cylindrical. There is a 30 cm long gap in the middle of the stairs, leading to the clock section with the spiral staircase in the middle. A magnificent cylindrical metal weight hangs here, on which the clock is built and operated.

Republic Square

Republic Square, defined as the heart of the city, is one of the most beautiful places to visit and stay. The square, which contains traces of a city with a five-thousand-year history in every corner, is a huge place where the new and the old intertwine. You can easily visit this place with a Kayseri flight ticket.

Old Kayseri Houses

The old houses of Kayseri were generally built of stone and wood, with gardens, courtyards and two or three floors, surrounded by nature. It was built according to climatic conditions, sheltered from the cold and adapted to the life of the vine. These houses, which line narrow streets 10 to 30 kilometers apart, are made of soft stone suitable for processing. Although Old Kayseri Houses were built like huge mansions, they are generally found in an ordinary detached house; It consisted of a tokana, a pantry, a living room and a courtyard. The elegance and sophistication of the decorations in its architecture are dazzling and you can come across them at any time during your visit to the city. These structures, where you can see the breezes of the Seljuk and Ottoman periods and the past, are of historical importance.

Ottoman Street

Live musical performances and visual performances are held here from time to time. The street, which attracts the attention of local and foreign tourists, takes on a different atmosphere during Ramadan. It is highly recommended that you visit this street during your visit to the city with a Kayseri bus ticket.

Ataturk House and Museum

Originally known as İmamizade Raşit Ağa Mansion, but more commonly known as Atatürk House and Museum; It is an old Turkish house from the late Ottoman period, built in the 19th century. Historically and culturally, it is very important that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is Atatürk. It was built in this residence during his visit to Kayseri on behalf of the Committee in 1919. In 1976, the house, which was protected as Heritage Building Cultural Asset, was confiscated by the Ministry.

The museum, which was opened as the Atatürk House in 1983, started to serve as the Atatürk Museum in 1998 with the improvements made on the second floor of the house. Reflecting the character of the period and region in which it was built, the house is decorated with antique furniture and decorations. Atatürk's wax statue and documents and photographs of his visit to Kayseri are exhibited for you, the visitors.

Hunat Hatun Mosque and Social Complex

Wife of Seljuk ruler Alaeddin Keykubat I and II. Huna, built by Mahperi Hatun, mother of Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev Hatun Social Complex has sections such as a mosque, dome, bathhouse and madrasah. The social complex, built in 1238, is one of the most beautiful examples of Seljuk architecture with its rock carvings and imposing appearance. While the 800-year-old building was on the verge of decay, it was restored and brought back to life. The complex is open to visitors free of charge, 7 days a week, between 08:30 and 18:00. You can add this place to your travel list by purchasing a Kayseri bus ticket.

Güpgüpoğlu Mansion

Güpgüoğlu Mansion, whose construction started in 1419; It took its current form with later additions in the 18th century. The museum exhibits works from the Seljuk and Ottoman periods; The atmosphere of the period is perfectly felt thanks to the well-designed and decorated rooms such as the wedding hall and the harem hall.

Kadir Has City and Mimar Sinan Museum

The museum, which serves as an information center and digital museum, is limited worldwide with this feature and was opened in Kayseri for the first time in Turkey. Mimar Sinan Museum, opened under the leadership of Kadir Has, one of Kayseri's famous names, will leave an indelible mark on your heart with its modern architecture. This modernity continues with the same effect not only outside but also inside the building. At the entrance of this six-storey house, you can buy and wear headphones and listen to the narration in different languages while passing through the screen. You can examine in detail the works of Mimar Sinan, who made significant contributions to Turkish architecture, and take a break at the cafes and restaurants on the other floors of the museum. If you are thinking about where to visit in Kayseri, you should definitely include this place in your travel plan.

Kapuzbaşı Waterfall

Kapuzbaşı Waterfall, located on the border of Yahyalı district, is 165 km away from Kayseri center. Kapuzbaşı Waterfalls, where the waters of the snow-covered Aladağlar Mountains, located between Kayseri and Niğde, flow into the Zamantı River, are definitely worth seeing. There are 7 waterfalls in the region, 5 large waterfalls and 2 small waterfalls, gushing from rocks with heights ranging from 30 to 76 meters. This natural masterpiece, which has become a popular destination for tourists and locals, especially in the summer months, is also a very suitable place for picnics and walks in nature.

Zamantı River

Zamantı River, located in Pınarbaşı district of Kayseri; It is one of the two main tributaries that feed the Seyhan River and its basin, passing through Pınarbaşı, Tomarza, Develi and Yahyalı districts. It crosses Kayseri's Tahtalı Mountains and passes through narrow and deep valleys until it reaches the Seyhan River. You should see this river closely, which will not mislead you about where to visit in Kayseri.

Palas Plain

The beautiful areas of the Palas plain are among the important places you should definitely visit while visiting Kayseri. The plains, which are still intact, have lands where hundreds of different creatures live and many endemic plant species can grow. You can easily reach this plain, which is located close to Sarıoğlan district, with your private vehicle.

Mount Erciyes

Mount Erciyes is the symbol of Kayseri with its peak that cuts through the clouds and its never-ending snow on top. Erciyes, the first mountain of Central Anatolia and the fifth largest mountain of Turkey, is visited intensively by tourists both in summer and winter, and each season brings a different beauty. Erciyes, the extinct volcano that formed Cappadocia after the eruption that occurred 30 million years ago, was given the name meaning White Mountain by the Hittites due to the covered snow. You should definitely visit this mountain, which is very popular among Kayseri tourist attractions.

Gesi Vineyards and Dovecotes

It is known that wild pigeons were previously used in vineyards and gardens in some regions of Anatolia and were raised according to a certain system to meet the need for fertilizer. Pigeon manure is used in vineyards and horticulture in many parts of Anatolia and its value is quite high. Some structures are needed to collect wild pigeons regularly due to the need for fertilizer. Gesi Vineyards and Dovecotes are completely different from other dovecotes at this point. It was built in the form of a tower type. In this way, do not pass by without visiting this place, which can also be counted in the list of Kayseri tourist attractions.

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