Ağrı Travel Guide

Before planning a unique trip with the Ağrı travel guide, it would be beneficial to take a look at the general structure of the city. Pain; It is one of the coldest and highest cities in Turkey. Turkey's highest mountain, with an altitude of 5137 meters, is also within the borders of this city. Ağrı, which takes its name from Mount Ararat within its borders, is located in the Upper Murat Van section of the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Ağrı's other neighbors on the Iranian border in the east are Kars in the north, Erzurum in the northwest, Iğdır in the northeast, Van in the south, and Muş and Bitlis in the southwest. Mount Ararat, also mentioned in the holy books; According to religious beliefs, it is the place where Noah, who survived the flood, landed on his ship. This mountain is also a climbable mountain and quite challenging for climbers.

Ishak Pasha Palace is one of the places to visit in the mountains of Ağrı. It is the most magnificent palace built by the Ottoman Empire after the Topkapi Palace. It is one of the works belonging to the Tulip Era period. Meteor Pit, Meya Caves and Noah's Ark are also among the places to visit. Ağrı has a continental and harsh climate due to its location. Winters are very cold, summers are snowy and the weather is dry. The best time to visit the city will definitely be autumn and spring. If you are traveling for a winter holiday, you can choose November, which is one of the autumn months. In order to make your travel plan more efficient, be sure to take a look at the details of our Ağrı travel guide article.

Mount Ararat

Mount Ararat, almost characterized by volcanoes; It has the distinction of being the largest mountain in Turkey. Atatürk Peak, with a height of 5137 meters, and İnönü Peak, with a height of 3898 meters, are the highest peaks of our country with white snow in every season. After Marco Polo declared Mount Ararat an inaccessible place, the climb began with Frederik Von Parat climbing the mountain in 1829.

Noah's Ship

Located between Telçeker and Üzengili villages on the southern slopes of Mount Ararat and one of the centers of faith tourism, Noah's Ark hosts thousands of visitors every year with Ağrı flight tickets. The ship, a natural ruin, is a silhouette-like ruin. What is Noah's Ark? Noah's Ark first appeared in Genesis, the first book of the Torah. An example of the earliest text of the Great Flood can be found in the Sumerian work called Ziusudra on this account. Three disaster victims were mentioned in this study. However, the events of Noah's Ark and Noah's Flood, which are mentioned in the three holy books of the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, are described in the same way in most book texts. In the book, before the Great Flood, Allah and Prophet Muhammad. God commanded Noah to build an ark on the condition that he save his family and some animals in the world.

Meteor Pit

Meteor Pit, which you will have the opportunity to see closely with your Ağrı flight ticket; It was formed after a meteorite hit the region in 982. It is located between the Gürbulak border gate of Doğubeyazıt district and Sarı Çavuş village. In addition to being the second largest meteor crater in the world, it should be on the must-visit list with its unique natural formations and landscapes. The pit, which was 60 meters deep in the past and 35 meters deep today, is losing its importance due to its abandonment, although it was an important tourist destination.

Doğubayazıt Old Mosque

Doğubayazıt Old Mosque, built in 1514 during the reign of Selim I after the Battle of Çaldıran, is located on a hillside right next to Doğubayazıt Castle. Eski Beyazıt Mosque is a mosque with a central dome and minaret made of cut stone.

This mosque, which has historical value, has a very simple and aesthetic architecture, including the main walls, doors, mihrab, narthex, wall panel, altars, transfer system continuing to the dome, arches and windows on the walls. Doğubayazıt Old Mosque, located 95 km southeast of Ağrı city center, can be reached by public transportation.

Doğu Beyazıt Castle

Doğu Beyazıt Castle, which you can reach with Ağrı bus ticket deals; It is located 7 km away from Doğubayazıt district. It is not known exactly when and by whom the castle, which was built on a steep rock in the southeast of Belleburç and is in ruins today, was first built. However, the Urartian tombs and the ancient ruins of the castle give the impression that this is an old settlement. Due to the geographical location of the city of Bayazıt, the castle has undertaken important duties throughout history. To the southeast of the castle, there are still traces of a settlement thought to date back to the Urartian period. Based on the type and cutting technique of the stones on the foundation of the castle, it is estimated that the castle was first built by the Urartians and was repaired by the Seljuks and Ottomans in the following years.

Meya Caves

Meya Caves, also known as Günbuldu; It is in Günbuldu village, 12 km away from Diyadin district center. The caves and historical ruins of the village, which resemble an old city, are approximately 400 meters away from the village. Rock-carved shelters and temples places of worship, rooms and caves are very interesting. Meya Caves are wanted to be visited by many people with Ağrı bus ticket.

Ishak Pasha Palace Mosque

Since the qibla direction of the mosque is the first visible part of the palace building, it is believed that all the weight is given to the mosque. The palace destroyers did not touch the mosque much, perhaps out of moral fear, but they demolished two columns of the narthex and the harem to remove the lead and metal rings. The mihrab inside the mosque is a deep source. A pulpit plan rising to a balcony next to the mihrab has been reached. The dome of the mosque is plastered from the inside and there is a very high drum at the bottom. Rococo style tree and flower carvings were made on the plaster of the inner dome. The dome of the mosque is definitely a beauty worth seeing. There is also a walkable terrace around the dome.

Dough Dome

Dough Künyesi, one of the most visited places in Ağrı and also known as İbrahim Pasha Tomb, is a structure worth seeing. Dome with historical value; It has become one of the iconic structures of Ağrı. After the destruction of the inscription at the entrance of the arch, it is not known exactly who and when it was built. However, the tomb II. Mir İbrahim Pasha, grandson of İshak Pasha, had it built for his deceased children. Research shows that it was built in 1812.

Diyadin Thermal Springs

Diyadin Thermal Spring, which takes its name from the district, is 5 km away from the district center. Diyadin Thermal Springs; It contains chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate, carbon dioxide and calcium. Thermal springs, which are known to be very good for rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, nerve, skin, metabolic and sciatica diseases, are of great importance for spa tourism. You can go to the spa for a day or have a long holiday by booking a room at a spa hotel.

Eleşkirt Güneykaya Ski Resort

Güneykaya Ski Center, located in the Eleşkirt district of the city, is one of the most popular centers for winter ski enthusiasts. The ski center has walking paths, a children's playground, a car park, as well as a hotel, 2 day facilities and a ski club. At Eleşkirt Güneykaya Ski Center, you can get the equipment you need for skiing and take lessons from ski instructors.

Küpkıran Ski Resort

Küpkıran Ski Center, which is the indispensable answer to the question of where to visit in Ağrı, is located in the Küpkıran village of the same name, just 2 km away from Ağrı city center. The ski resort, which has been increasing in popularity for several years, is regularly visited by the people of Ağrı, especially due to its proximity to the city and affordable prices. Offering sufficient opportunities for ski enthusiasts, Küpkıran also contributes greatly to the tourism potential of the city.

Monk's Garden

The monk's garden, located just below Old Doğubayazıt, is said to have emerged in the 16th century. This area, which is said to be the place where Kerem and Aslı's love blossomed, looks like a green oasis in the middle of the city. The lush garden growing on the arid land impresses visitors. If you are wondering where to visit in Ağrı; You should definitely visit the Monks' Garden, which is said to be the place where Kerem crossed Mount Ararat and met Aslı.

Shoshik Castle

Şoşık Castle, located in the village of Hamur, known as Şoşik or Karlıca, is one of the historical monuments on hard rock. There is another castle very close to the castle, and it is said that in ancient times the king had this castle built for his daughter. For this reason, the castle is known as "Girls' Castle". The important ruins of the castle give visitors very important clues about the history of Ağrı. Therefore, if you have time, it is recommended that you add Şosik Castle, which is among the tourist attractions of Ağrı, to your route.

Fish Lake

Aquarium, one of the natural beauties of Ağrı, is located in the Aras Mountains in Eastern Anatolia. The most important feature of the lake is that it is one of the highest lakes in Turkey. Fish Lake is consumable and usable and is used as drinking water in the surrounding villages.

Another feature here is that the velvet duck incubates on a small island on the lake. For this reason, this area has been deemed worthy of the status of an important bird area. Be sure to add Fish Lake, one of the most beautiful lakes of our country, to your list of Ağrı tourist attractions and places to visit.

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